The following are examples of the results of running js_objnew.d.  

It reports on the class type of new objects created. 

Here we can see it running on the program Code/JavaScript/func_clock.html.

# js_objnew.d 
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
 FILE                     CLASS                                   COUNT
 func_clock.html          Date                                        2

The results are very simple, func_clock.html caused two new objects to be
created, both of type 'Date'.

Here is a more complicated example, running on the program
Code/JavaScript/func_slow.html, with the results of that plus JavaScript caused 
by hitting reload on the browser.

# js_objnew.d 
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
 FILE                     CLASS                                   COUNT
 <null>                   BarProp                                     1
 <null>                   CSSStyleDeclaration                         1
 <null>                   Global Scope Polluter                       1
 <null>                   HTMLBodyElement                             1
 <null>                   HTMLDocument                                1
 <null>                   HTMLHtmlElement                             1
 <null>                   NodeList                                    1
 <null>                   StyleSheetList                              1
 <null>                   TreeSelection                               1
 <null>                   Window                                      1
 <null>                   XULCommandDispatcher                        1
 <null>                   chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8c35c92        1
 <null>                   chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8fb299a        1
 <null>                   chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8fb2ea2        1
 <null>                   nsXPCComponents_Classes                     1
 <null>                   xpcTempGlobalClass                          1
 autocomplete.xml         Object                                      1
 browser.js               Array                                       1
 browser.js               Object                                      1
 browser.js               XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass                 1
 browser.js               nsJSCID                                     1
 consoleAPI.js            Call                                        1
 firebug.js               Constructor                                 1
 firebug.js               Location                                    1
 firebug.js               Object                                      1
 firebug.js               XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass            1
 func_slow.html           Function                                    1
 popup.xml                Array                                       1
 preferences.js           nsJSCID                                     1
 tabbrowser.xml           Array                                       1
 tabbrowser.xml           String                                      1
 webdeveloper.js          Array                                       1
 webdeveloper.js          String                                      1
 <null>                   BoxObject                                   2
 <null>                   JSOptions                                   2
 <null>                   JavaArray                                   2
 <null>                   JavaClass                                   2
 <null>                   JavaMember                                  2
 <null>                   JavaObject                                  2
 <null>                   PageTransitionEvent                         2
 autocomplete.xml         Function                                    2
 firebug.js               XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass                 2
 reporterOverlay.js       Function                                    2
 tree.xml                 Function                                    2
 <null>                   Array                                       3
 <null>                   DOM Constructor.prototype                   3
 <null>                   With                                        3
 <null>                   XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass                 3
 <null>                   nsXPCComponents                             3
 globalOverlay.js         Function                                    3
 scrollbar.xml            String                                      3
 utils.js                 Array                                       3
 utils.js                 String                                      3
 browser.js               Call                                        4
 func_clock.html          Date                                        4
 webdeveloper.js          Function                                    4
 <null>                   XPCNativeWrapper                            5
 browser.js               String                                      6
 <null>                   Object                                      7
 tabbrowser.xml           Function                                    7
 <null>                   XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass            8
 <null>                   Constructor                                 9
 browser.xml              Function                                    9
 firebug.js               Function                                   10
 <null>                   MouseEvent                                 12
 <null>                   XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper                  13
 <null>                   KeyboardEvent                              14
 <null>                   XULElement                                 16
 <null>                   Event                                      29
 browser.js               Function                                   33
 consoleAPI.js            Function                                   33
 <null>                   JavaPackage                                41
 scrollbar.xml            Function                                   61
 <null>                   Function                                  211